Together with our partners, we focus on economic development and peace building because they are at the crux of progress, and you cannot have one without the other. Learn more about why investment in the Niger Delta matters.

Economic Development
To address the lack of economic opportunities, NDPI helps to develop and grow the most promising sectors in the region: cassava, palm oil and aquaculture (fish farming). Through trainings, product development and engaging with policymakers, we help build up industries and help workers increase their incomes.

There are many causes of instability and violence in the Niger Delta, chief among them: political unrest and lack of economic opportunity. To create a more peaceful environment, NDPI monitors and works to mitigate security threats, both responding to eruptions of violence and building systems to sustainably support peace.

Enabling Environment
Capacity building and advocacy underpin NDPI’s work—helping to equip and connect local government bodies, NGOs and communities with each other and with the tools they need to maximize impact. When governments and organizations are well-run and the public is engaged, change is more likely to take root.