NDPI (Niger Delta Partnership Initiative) logo

Enabling Environment

NDPI integrates capacity building and advocacy work into its economic development and peace building efforts—helping equip local governments, organizations, communities and individuals with the knowledge, strategies and support they need to build a stable and prosperous Niger Delta.

Underpinning these efforts is ongoing research and analysis of what causes social and economic instability, enabling NDPI and its partners to implement more effective projects and assess and adjust their strategies when and where needed.

Each of our programs aim to increase capacity, create connections and build platforms.


  • Support local NGOs to improve their programs and advocacy efforts
  • Enhance Nigerian and international understanding of effective development practices to attract additional investment


  • Hold a series of round table discussions with key international stakeholders interested in economic development and peace building in the Niger Delta


  • Created Visit NDLink.org, a one–stop–shop for information on Niger Delta development projects, issues and jobs


Network iconView a list of projects for the program below